Tissue Box

I went to a friends house over the weekend and I thought I would make something for my friend Debra, the host!

I love how it turned out and am even happier that it matches her bathroom!
Thanks Debra for hosting a stamp day at your house! What fun!


juniperbarn said...

Adorable! I love this!

Heide said...

Love the colors and this is a great idea.

Gail S. said...

Very nice, now we directions! I can't tell in the photo, is it in the clear plastic case that Oriental Trading sells? If so I've made that one & love it.

DebbieG said...

Very pretty,Dawn !

Debra said...

I love, love, love this HL!!! Thank you so much. AND for the cookies. YUM!

Kim said...

I would love to make that box! Is there a tutorial?